OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Edit Text

Used to edit text on a support drawing.

Accessed from:

Drawing Production ribbon group

When a Support Drawing has been generated, this option displays the following dialog letting the user edit the text displayed in the Bill of Material and General Information sections of the drawing.


The BOM tab list the line item details which display on the drawing. Click on a row to edit the text within the row. The row numbers are matched with the numbers identifying the part in the Drawing Area section as shown side by side below:

Once the modifications have been made click OK to apply the changes to the drawing.

In the example below, you can see the size of the clamp (Row 1) has been changed from 8in to 6in and the Weldless Eye Nut (Row 2) has been changed to Right Handed.

General Info Tab

The General Info tab does the same for the General Information (Support Properties) section of the drawing. As with the BOM tab, click in a row and edit the details as desired.

Once the changes have been saved, the drawing will display the new text.